November 2023 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

It has been so fun to see so many of you at the wonderful assortments of events this month! A warm welcome to all of our new members joining LNN and our events for the first time.

November will be front-loaded since we know many will be busy and/or traveling around Thanksgiving. Be sure to check out the upcoming events and add them to your calendar so that you don’t forget.

Please also remember to renew your membership by November 15th, as we will be starting to clean up our member lists after that date. If you have any questions or if you lose access to our Facebook page or stop receiving the newsletter and believe it to be an error, don’t hesitate to reach out.

We look forward to seeing you soon!

Best Wishes,
Rikke Bitsch-Nørhave, LNN President & Rachel Brownell, LNN Secretary

Golf Club

Various days, reach out for details

We are beginning to establish a new group within LNN for Ladies who enjoy golf, with Sheila Tweeddale at the helm. The aim is to include experienced golfers, golfers returning to the game, and new golfers interested in learning. Basically anyone interested in GOLF!

This fall saw the formation of a learn-to-golf group, who are having a ton of fun so far. We will continue this program into the spring, with a goal to eventually start a Beginner golf league at Pine Meadow!

Right now we want to establish a list of golfers, including their experience level, so that we can facilitate friends building foursomes, going to the driving range together, or visiting one of the indoor golf facilities over the winter.

Please fill out this form and/or reach out to our new golf club email if you’re interested in signing up and/or learning more! Looking forward to meeting all the LNN Golfers and future golfers on the course soon!

Bunco Night

Wednesday, November 1 @ 7pm

Costumes & themed goodies optional but encouraged for the spookiest Bunco night yet! This exciting Halloween bunco night will be held November 1st. Please RSVP to Lara.

Bike Ride

Friday, November 3 @ 9am

The clock is ticking on the nice fall weather… Join us on a (leisurely) bike ride to Concord and back (under 20 miles) to enjoy some fresh air before it gets too cold. We will take the bike trails and the woods so ideally no road bikes. We will make a stop in Concord for coffee/rest and ride back to finish the loop. Beginners welcome. Layers, helmet, water recommended. 

RSVP to Alexia, and meet on the bike path behind the Depot at 9am.

Ladies’ Night

Wednesday, November 8 @ 7pm

Ladies, join us at Tuscan Kitchen in Burlington for a drink & bite on November 8th at 7pm. RSVP to let us know if you’ll be able to attend so that we can plan accordingly and share any updates as needed.

Coffee Talk

Friday, November 10 10am-12pm

Join us for coffee on Friday, November 10th at Galaray House in Lexington Center. Feel free to drop in for a bit and even bring a friend. Be on the lookout for Facebook updates in case we need to communicate further, but RSVP is not required.

Coffee Class with Leslie

Saturday, November 11 @ 9:30am

Have you ever wondered how coffee shops make such a delicious cup of coffee? Join us for an educational coffee social Saturday, November 11 at 9:30am. The coffee social will be held at Shannon & Leslie Nielsen’s home in their coffee shop (aka living room). Shannon’s famous sourdough cinnamon buns and light breakfast fare will be served. Decaf coffee will also be served. Adults only please.

Please RSVP to Mari quickly since we can only accommodate about 14 people. If you can’t make this morning, we will be holding a 2nd coffee social on Saturday, January 20, so mark you calendars now!

Book Club

Tuesday, November 14 @ 7pm

Join us on Tuesday, November 14, to talk about “If I Survive You” by Jonathan Escoffery.

In the 1970s, Topper and Sanya flee to Miami as political violence consumes their native Kingston. But America, as the couple and their two children learn, is far from the promised land. Excluded from society as Black immigrants, the family pushes on through Hurricane Andrew and later the 2008 recession, living in a house so cursed that the pet fish launches itself out of its own tank rather than stay. But even as things fall apart, the family remains motivated, often to its own detriment, by what their younger son, Trelawny, calls “the exquisite, racking compulsion to survive.”

Masterfully constructed with heart and humor, the linked stories in Jonathan Escoffery’s If I Survive You center on Trelawny as he struggles to carve out a place for himself amid financial disaster, racism, and flat-out bad luck. After a fight with Topper–himself reckoning with his failures as a parent and his longing for Jamaica–Trelawny claws his way out of homelessness through a series of odd, often hilarious jobs. Meanwhile, his brother, Delano, attempts a disastrous cash grab to get his kids back, and his cousin, Cukie, looks for a father who doesn’t want to be found. As each character searches for a foothold, they never forget the profound danger of climbing without a safety net.

Pulsing with vibrant lyricism and inimitable style, sly commentary and contagious laughter, Escoffery’s debut unravels what it means to be in between homes and cultures in a world at the mercy of capitalism and whiteness. With If I Survive You, Escoffery announces himself as a prodigious storyteller in a class of his own, a chronicler of American life at its most gruesome and hopeful.

RSVP by November 13th to On the morning of November 14th, we will email the address of our host to all attendees. Please bring a drink of your choice and/or snacks to share.

Dog Walk

Thursday, November 16 @ 9:30am

Bring your furry friends and join us for a dog walk at 9:30am on Thursday, November 16. This is a dog-focused activity, separate from our other walking group. We will meet on Hancock Ave. and take the bike path entrance there to Diamond Middle School then walk back through Merriam Hill. Parking on Hancock Ave. is available. Please express interest to Nathalie so that she can communicate as needed. We will plan to continue meet-ups on the third Thursday of each month.

Lunch Bunch

Thursday, November 16 @ 11:30am

Join us for a delectable lunch at the elegant contemporary Indian-designed Tashan, located in our neighboring town of Bedford.

When: Thursday, November 16 at 11:30am.

Where: 213 Burlington Rd, Bedford, MA 01730

Lunch Menu:

Please RSVP to Carol & Priya by Nov 15.

Join us at the stylishly designed Tashan for tasty reinvented and refined Indian classics!

**The preferred method of payment for Lunch Bunch is cash. Please try to bring cash with you to simplify paying the bill. An alternate method of payment is to use Venmo.**

Men’s Night

Thursday, November 16 @ 7pm

Join the LNN men to sample the fun fall beers on tap at Revolution Hall on Thursday, November 16th at 7pm.

To RSVP and receive updates for this event specifically, please reach out to Chase. If you have suggestions for future men’s nights or want a reminder for upcoming events, fill out this form.

Women Health Session

Friday, November 17 @ 5pm

Join us for a LNN Women’s Health session on tips to avoid gut flare & gaining weight over the holidays.

  • Gut health primer
  • Gut health connection to hormones, cravings, inflammation, and disease
  • Root causes of gut issues and weight gain over the holidays
  • Tips to avoid or ease gut and weight issues over the holidays

RSVP to receive final details.

Walking Group

Keep an eye on our Facebook group for walking plans at great local spots. Or feel free to post your own walking plans to invite some neighbors along!

Save the Date

Mingle Holiday Party

Saturday, December 2 @ 7pm

Take note, book a sitter, and let’s party! We can’t wait to celebrate the holidays with our neighbors. Join us at Il Casale 7pm until they kick us out.

Cookie Swap

Thursday, December 7 10am-1pm

Mark your calendars now for what is always a favorite event of the holiday season, the LNN Cookie Swap! Start thinking of your favorite cookie recipes now and plan to bring about two dozen and a container to take home samples of everyone else’s. Stay tuned for more details.

Ladies’ Night Lights

Friday, December 8

We’ll take ladies’ night for a walk in December, so bundle up, grab a warm beverage, and stroll by some beautiful holiday light displays in the neighborhood!

Holiday Lunch

Thursday, December 14 @ 11:30am

Join us for a special Holiday Lunch Bunch in a beautifully decorated private room for LNN members-only at Burton’s Grill & Bar in Burlington. Lunch Menu

Please note that space is limited at this restaurant. RSVP as soon as possible (no later than December 12) to reserve your seat in the private room.

Enjoy delicious traditional fare or chef-driven, innovative local preparations in a festive holiday setting sure to bring you cheer this season!

For our LNN community service during the holidays, please bring a non-perishable canned good, boxed item, or paper goods in original packaging to donate to the Lexington Food Pantry. It is a wonderful way to contribute to the community in which we all live, thank you!

October 2023 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

We loved seeing so many familiar and new faces at our end of summer potluck party! Despite some unfortunate weather shifting our plans last minute, what a fantastic evening we had with you all, and a huge thank you to our hosts, Lisa & Dennis, for offering their space to shield us from the rain.

The excitement builds as we gear up for a fun & busy fall season with many events to suit different preferences and availability. If there is something you would like to see more of, feel free to reach out and let us know. We welcome anyone who wants to organize an activity of their own as well. Can’t wait to see you all at our various events in October!

We are also excited to share a few updates to our board, committee members, and at-large board members for this year! We are so fortunate to have such a great crew, both new and experienced, to drive this group. It truly takes a village, so we are very grateful for all the wonderful volunteers.

  • President: Rikke Bitsch-Nørhave
  • Secretary: Rachel Brownell
  • Treasurer: Mary Reynolds
  • Membership: Alona Joynt
  • Social Media Manager & Walking Group: Lydia O’Donoghue
  • Book Club: Liliana Kondracki & Melanie Wood
  • Lunch Bunch: Carol Colwell & Priya Patel
  • Events: Helena Wennbo & Mari Defay
    • Bunco: Lara Kallander
    • Men’s Night: Chase Brownell
    • Movie Club: Rosa Sousa & Jo Rao
    • Coffee Talk: Weina Randal & Christina Yen
    • Dog Walk: Nathalie Huitema
  • At-Large: Alexia Duc, Lisa Van Oossanen, Saskia Houwing, Tania Bojanowski, Lene Gleerup

Don’t forget to follow the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group and our Instagram to get the latest updates on our activities.

Best Wishes,
Rikke Bitsch-Nørhave, LNN President & Rachel Brownell, LNN Secretary

Membership Reminder

Thank you to our ~70 families who have submitted dues for the year! If you haven’t already, please submit your $50 per family via this link in Paypal or personal check to take advantage of all the fun programming underway! 

Checks can be sent to Lexington Newcomers Club, 226 Grove Street, Lexington, MA 02420. 

If you do not wish to renew your membership, please also let us know so we can update our records. 

Questions? Please reach out to Alona/Membership:

Ladies’ Night

Wednesday, Oct 4 @ 7pm

Calling all ladies to join us at Red Heat Tavern in Bedford for a drink & bite on October 4th at 7pm. Our group will gather in the front bar area and will get a selection of their delicious appetizers to share. Let Carol know if you’ll be able to attend so that we can plan accordingly and share any updates as needed.

Bike Rides

Friday, October 6 & 27 @ 9am

Want to make the most of the beautiful Fall days ahead in New England? Join us on a (leisurely) bike ride to Concord and back (under 20 miles). We will take the bike trails and the woods so ideally no road bikes (especially with some risk of mud these days). We will make a stop in Concord for coffee/rest and ride back to finish the loop. Beginners welcome. Layers, helmet, water recommended. 

We plan to repeat the activity twice a month if there is interest (so don’t hesitate to let us know if you may join some day so we can have you on our list).

When: Friday, October 6, 9 am-11:30 am (or so)

Where: Meet on the bike path behind the Depot at 9am

RSVP to Alexia

Movie Club Fall Viewing

Wednesday, October 11th @ 7pm

Calling all movie fans! We chose to postpone the launch of LNN’s film club to this month, so we welcome you to join us for our kick off!

Based on the responses to the Facebook poll, the overwhelming vote for the fall screening is for “You People”.

We’ll start screening on Oct 11th at 7PM at a member’s house. This is a very informal setting, so feel free to bring drinks/snacks to share. We can watch the movie and discuss (or go home if you prefer).

If you’re interested in being included, please email, and you’ll be added to the list to get more information. There are only 15 spots, so do respond quickly to secure yours!

Lunch Bunch

Thursday, Oct 12 @ 11:30am

Join us for a delicious lunch at the beautifully decorated Colonial Inn located in historic downtown Concord, MA.

When: Thursday, October 12 at 11:30am

Where: Concord’s Colonial Inn

48 Monument Square, Concord, MA 01742

Please note that space is limited at this restaurant. RSVP as soon as possible (no later than Oct 11) to reserve your seat at the table.

Lunch Menu

Savor classic American dishes alongside new favorites in a charming setting rich with Revolutionary War history!

Men’s Night

Thursday, Oct 12 @ 7pm

After coming out swinging in September, we’ll be hitting the “hyper”links this month.  Meet at X-Golf in Burlington to mix in some activity with our socializing. X-Golf has snacks and drinks available for purchase. Looking forward to seeing friends, old and new!

If you’d like to receive this newsletter for future updates and are not already on our mailing list, please reach out to Alona/Membership with an additional email address to add for your household.

To receive updates for this event specifically, please reach out to Chase.

Coffee Talk

Friday, October 13 10am-12pm

Join us for coffee on Friday, Oct 13th at Peet’s Coffee in Lexington Center. Feel free to drop in for a bit and even bring a friend. Be on the lookout for Facebook updates in case we need to communicate further, but RSVP is not required.

Walking Tour of Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University

Saturday, Oct 14 @ 12:40pm

Fall is in the air and the leaves are turning! Join us for a private LNN Member-only guided walking tour of Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University, America’s oldest public arboretum. This National Historic Landmark is a 281-acre preserve in the heart of Boston stewarding one of the world’s most comprehensive and best documented collections of trees, shrubs and vines. This jewel in the famous Emerald Necklace park system was designed by Frederick Law Olmsted and serves as a chain of parks linked by parkways and waterways in the Boston Area for all to enjoy.

We will meet at the Arnold Arboretum Visitor’s Center and begin our 90 min docent-led guided walking tour from there. We hope to catch some glimpses of the lovely fall colors in full array during our visit. The tour is a family friendly one. Outdoor events are weather permitting. 

Harvard’s Arnold Arboretum Address: 125 Arborway, Boston, MA 02130

Cost: Free – LNN will cover the cost of the tour for members who RSVP their attendance

RSVP to Priya by October 12 to reserve your place(s) on the tour!

Dog Walk

Thursday, Oct 19 @ 9:30am

Bring your furry friends and join us for a dog walk at 9:30am on Thursday, October 19. This is a dog-focused activity, separate from our other walking group. We will meet on Hancock Ave. and take the bike path entrance there to Diamond Middle School then walk back through Merriam Hill. Parking on Hancock Ave. is available. Please express interest to Nathalie so that she can communicate as needed. We will plan to have future meet-ups on the third Thursday of the month.

Book Club

Thursday, October 19 @ 7pm

Join us on Thursday, October 19, to talk to “Before the Coffee gets Cold” by Toshikazu Kawaguchi.

What would you change if you could go back in time?

In a small back alley in Tokyo, there is a café which has been serving carefully brewed coffee for more than one hundred years. But this coffee shop offers its customers a unique experience: the chance to travel back in time.

In Before the Coffee Gets Cold, we meet four visitors, each of whom is hoping to make use of the café’s time-travelling offer, in order to: confront the man who left them, receive a letter from their husband whose memory has been taken by early onset Alzheimer’s, to see their sister one last time, and to meet the daughter they never got the chance to know.

But the journey into the past does not come without risks: customers must sit in a particular seat, they cannot leave the café, and finally, they must return to the present before the coffee gets cold . . .

Toshikazu Kawaguchi’s beautiful, moving story explores the age-old question: what would you change if you could travel back in time? More importantly, who would you want to meet, maybe for one last time?

RSVP by October 18th to On the morning of October 19th, we will email the time of the meeting and the address of our host to all attendees. Please bring a drink of your choice and/or snacks to share.

Women Health Session

Thursday, October 26th @ 7pm

Join us for a LNN Women’s Health session on stress, women’s hormones, and aging.

  • How do hormones change through perimenopause, menopause and postmenopause?
  • How do these hormonal changes impact our health?
  • How does chronic stress affect female hormones?
  • Surprising sources of chronic stress impacting our health
  • How does unmanaged stress and hormonal imbalance accelerate aging?
  • What symptoms should you look out for?
  • Where to start to get a handle on your stress and support your hormones and prevent accelerated aging

RSVP to receive final details.

Bunco Night

Wednesday, November 1st @ 7pm

Wear a costume or just your luckiest outfit and come out for the spookiest Bunco night yet! This exciting Halloween bunco night will be held November 1st. Please RSVP to Lara.

Walking Group

Keep an eye on our Facebook group for walking plans at really pretty local spots, especially as we get into perfect leaf-peeping season. Or feel free to post your own walking plans to invite some neighbors along!

September 2023 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

Welcome back! We hope you are having a fabulous summer and are gearing up for kids returning to school, eventual fall weather, and most importantly – your regularly scheduled LNN activities!! The excitement builds as we work on planning an awesome assortment of activities for the upcoming season. Read on to see what we have in store for September, including our end of summer potluck party!

We are also excited to share our executive board and at-large board members for this year!

President: Rikke Bitsch-Nørhave

Secretary: Rachel Brownell

Treasurer: Mary Reynolds

Membership: Alona Joynt

Events: Helena Wennbo

Book Club: Liliana Kondracki & Melanie Wood

Social Media: Lydia O’Donoghue

Lunch Bunch: Carol Colwell

Bunco: Lara Kallander

At-Large: Alexia Duc, Jo Rao, Lisa Van Oossanen, Mari Defay, Rosa Sousa, Saskia Houwing, Tania Bojanowski

Don’t forget to follow the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group and our Instagram to get the latest updates on our activities.

Best Wishes,
Rikke Bitsch-Nørhave, LNN President & Rachel Brownell, LNN Secretary

WELCOME TO 2023/2024 | Important Notice about Membership

Welcome to September and a new membership period. We are excited about all the fun events in store.

Membership will again be $50 for your household, and you may pay via PayPal or check.

Should you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to Alona/Membership on email:

If you do not wish to renew your membership, please also let us know so we can take you off the newsletters list and update our records accordingly.

Walking Group

Keep an eye on our Facebook group for walking plans at really pretty local spots, especially as we get into that nice late summer/early fall weather. Or feel free to post your own walking plans to invite some neighbors along!

It’s a Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood – Historic House Tour & LNN Lunch Bunch Joint Event

Thursday, Sept 14 @ 9:15am

Join us for an eye-opening tour of the historic Hancock-Clarke House, a National Historic Landmark, located here in Lexington. 
Built in 1737, Hancock-Clarke House was the parsonage for the town of Lexington during the 18th century. Reverend Jonas Clarke was hosting patriot guests statesman and Founding Father John Hancock and Samuel Adams when they were awakened by Paul Revere on his famous “Midnight Ride” to warn Hancock and Adams that British troops had left Boston in the early hours of April 19, 1775.

The Lexington Historical Society has graciously offered us a private LNN member-only tour lasting approximately 1.5-2 hours.

**As an added bonus, The Lexington Historical Society hopes you will also visit their two other historic house museums and is offering all LNN tour participants a free house visit ticket for either Monroe Tavern or Buckman Tavern for use at another time.**

Please note that this event can accommodate a maximum of 15 people.

Cost: Group Rate of $10 per person. Free for members of the Lexington Historical Society – please bring your membership card.

Please join us, if you are able, after the tour for the LNN Lunch Bunch at your neighborhood Thai restaurant, Love at First Bite, 1710 Mass Ave., at 11:30am (see below).

Lunch Bunch

Thursday, Sept 14 @ 11:30am

It’s a Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood continues with…..

our first LNN Lunch Bunch of the season right in our very own beautiful downtown Lexington. 

We are happy to offer our members this joint event but you are always welcome to attend either the tour or the lunch if you can’t join us for both.

When: Thursday, September 14 at 11:30am.

Where: Love at First Bite 

1710 Massachusetts Ave, Lexington

Lunch Menu:

Experience the vibrant flavors of Thailand in every bite!

Men’s Night

Thursday, Sept 14 @ 7pm

Please read the following aloud within earshot of your husband (bonus points for compelling vocal performances):

“Hey honey, LNN is restarting Men’s Nights with a new organizer. The next one will be at Revolution Hall on Thursday, September 14th, starting around 7pm. You should go and check it out! I heard that a bunch of husbands were getting roped into going, so you’ll be in good company! Also, Rev Hall is easy to pop in and out, so you won’t have to worry about showing up late or ducking out early.”

Indicate your interest in this and/or future events (and provide suggestions for other activities that you’d like to see) by filling out the form linked in the newsletter.

Coffee Talk

Thursday, September 21 10am-12pm

Join us for coffee on Thursday, Sept 21st at Tatte Arlington. Feel free to drop in for a bit and even bring a friend. Be on the lookout for a Facebook event to RSVP in case we need to communicate further, but RSVP is not required.

Book Club

Thursday, September 21 @ 7pm

Welcome to the 2023-2024 Book Club Season!  Join us on Thursday, September 21st to discuss our first selection  “Our Missing Hearts” by best seller author Celeste Ng (Little Fires Everywhere, Everything I Never Told You).

Twelve-year-old Bird Gardner lives a quiet existence with his loving but broken father, a former linguist who now shelves books in a university library. Bird knows to not ask too many questions, stand out too much, or stray too far. For a decade, their lives have been governed by laws written to preserve “American culture” in the wake of years of economic instability and violence. To keep the peace and restore prosperity, the authorities are now allowed to relocate children of dissidents, especially those of Asian origin, and libraries have been forced to remove books seen as unpatriotic—including the work of Bird’s mother, Margaret, a Chinese American poet who left the family when he was nine years old.

Bird has grown up disavowing his mother and her poems; he doesn’t know her work or what happened to her, and he knows he shouldn’t wonder. But when he receives a mysterious letter containing only a cryptic drawing, he is pulled into a quest to find her. His journey will take him back to the many folktales she poured into his head as a child, through the ranks of an underground network of librarians, into the lives of the children who have been taken, and finally to New York City, where a new act of defiance may be the beginning of much-needed change.

On the morning of September 21st, we will email the time of the meeting and the address of our host to all attendees.  Please bring a drink of your choice and/or snacks to share.

End of Summer Potluck

Saturday, September 23 6:30-9:30pm

Join us for our official end of summer party! While we are sad to see summer go, we are excited to celebrate a new season of LNN kicking off with you all.

We will enjoy a member’s lovely backyard on the evening of Saturday, September 23rd (or Sunday the 24th in case of rain). This will be an international potluck, so bring your favorite dish to share with others that represents where you are from, somewhere you have traveled, or somewhere whose cuisine you greatly enjoy. LNN will provide the desserts, so we appreciate if you can focus on appetizers, mains, or sides. Consider 10-20 servings per dish, if possible, and know that food can be made or purchased! While some non-alcoholic drinks will be provided, you may also want to bring a beverage of choice for yourself or to share.

Note that this event is oriented at our adult members. We can’t wait to see you there!

Community Announcements

Munroe Center for the Arts

  • FALL CLASS REGISTRATION is open for MCA classes in visual arts & theater. Class descriptions are online at We are excited to be offering classes for teens and adults in our new printmaking studio, as well as returning favorites in visual arts, ceramics and youth theater.  
  • NEW CLASSES – Ceramics Handbuilding with artist Judith Cooper, Evening Watercolor class for adults, Printmaking for teens and adults, Short Semester Bookmaking class, Saturday Young Artist Morning.
  • RETURNING FAVORITES – Adult, teen and youth ceramics, Figure Drawing, Youth Painting & Drawing
  • CALL FOR ARTISTS!  The Munroe Center for the Arts will be hosting a holiday art & crafts market JUST for artists 18 and younger on SATURDAY, DECEMBER 9TH. Stay tuned for more information, and in the meantime, please share with youth you know who might want to use some time to build their inventory.
  • GRANDPARENTS DAY EVENT on Saturday, September 9th from 10-12pm.  This is a FREE PUBLIC EVENT led by artist Alice DelDonno who will be teaching how to make art books with collage and paint.  All ages and abilities are welcome. Space is limited – register at

Lexington United Soccer Club

  • You may not be too late to sign your kids up for K-2 Soccer Saturdays! Though the deadline has officially passed, since many kids hear about this program from friends as they head back to school, they can usually still be added late.
    Register here:

June 2023 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

We enjoyed seeing many wonderful faces at our May events and are looking forward to wrapping up the regular season with several fun activities in June before we take a bit of a break for summer. Stay tuned, though, for a couple of “special edition” events that may be happening over the summer! We hope that you all have a wonderful summer, whatever adventures you may have planned.

We are also excited to share our executive board and at-large board members for next year!

President: Rikke Bitsch-Nørhave

Secretary: Rachel Brownell

Treasurer: Mary Reynolds

Membership: Rikke Bitsch-Nørhave (Interim, seeking members interested in taking over!)

Events: Kelly Reynolds & Helena Wennbo

Book Club: Liliana Kondracki & Melanie Wood

Social Media: Lydia O’Donoghue

Lunch Bunch: Carol Colwell

Men’s Night: Nathan Reynolds

At-Large: Alexia Duc, Alona Joynt, Jo Rao, Lisa Van Oossanen, Mari Defay, Rosa Sousa, Saskia Houwing, Tania Bojanowski

For those interested, please take a few minutes to vote on the book club book suggestions for next season. Once selected, we will post the list on our website, in case you’re looking to get a head start with some summer beach reading!

Don’t forget to follow the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group and our Instagram to get the latest updates on our activities.

Best Wishes,
Tania Bojanowski, LNN President & Rachel Brownell, LNN Secretary

Walking Group

Wednesdays @ 9:30am

June 7: Meet at the CVS parking lot & walk along the bike path

June 14: Walden Pond

June 21: Meet at the CVS parking lot & walk along the bike path

Break for summer!

Call or text Kelly with any questions.

Book Club

Thursday, June 8 @ 7pm

Join us for the last Book Club of the 2022-2023 season!  We will be reviewing “The Paris Apartment “ by Lucy Foley.

Jess needs a fresh start. She’s broke and alone, and she’s just left her job under less than ideal circumstances. Her half-brother Ben didn’t sound thrilled when she asked if she could crash with him for a bit, but he didn’t say no, and surely everything will look better from Paris. Only when she shows up – to find a very nice apartment, could Ben really have afforded this? – he’s not there.

The longer Ben stays missing, the more Jess starts to dig into her brother’s situation, and the more questions she has. Ben’s neighbors are an eclectic bunch, and not particularly friendly. Jess may have come to Paris to escape her past, but it’s starting to look like it’s Ben’s future that’s in question.

The socialite – The nice guy – The alcoholic – The girl on the verge – The concierge

Everyone’s a neighbor. Everyone’s a suspect. And everyone knows something they’re not telling.

RSVP by June 7th to On the morning of June 8th, we will email the time of the meeting and the address of our host to all attendees. Please bring a drink of your choice and/or snacks to share.


Important: Vote on the book suggestions for next season’s list here (Book Club Vote) by June 11th. All LNN members are welcome to participate! The top books based on your votes will determine what we read for next season’s Book Club.

Lunch Bunch

Friday, June 9 @ 12pm

Our next Lunch Bunch is on June 9th at noon at Beijing Chinese Restaurant in Lexington. Take a sneak peek at their menu:

Please RSVP by June 8th to Carol.

Coffee Talk

Tuesday, June 13 9-11am

Join us for coffee on Tuesday, June 13th. Feel free to drop in for a bit and even bring a friend. RSVP to Carol to receive additional details.

Bunco Night

Thursday, June 15 @ 7pm

Join us for great fun and many laughs, while we test our luck at some Bunco! Email Lara to sign up for our June bunco night.

Bike Ride

Saturday, June 17 @ 9am

Join us on a scenic 30 km / 18.6 mile bike ride in our beautiful area of Concord and Lexington.

We take the paved Minuteman bike trail from Lexington center until the end at Depot Park, get into the woods and on gravel roads, passing the Great Meadow park. When reaching the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord and the Colonial Inn, we go back on the paved roads until we reach the Minuteman National park where we bike on the gravel roads of the Battle road trail. When meeting Mass Ave at the highway, we go back on the paved roads, ride by the golf course and get back on the Minuteman bike trail towards the Lexington center again. Tired, sweaty and victorious! We will adjust to meet all participants.

What you need:

  • A good sturdy bike with gears – mountain bike not needed, but great. Road racer with thin tires is not appropriate.
  • Bottle of water
  • Loose layers of clothes
  • Bike helmet
  • Sunglasses and (bike) gloves are practical accessories

Make sure to sign up with Rikke for further details.

Ladies’ Night

Tuesday, June 20 @ 7pm

Take a break with the ladies before school is out for the summer! Join us at a local favorite, Revolution Hall.

RSVP by email, and we’ll share updates if necessary.

As always, it’s a cash-bar and we’ll order some light appetizers for sharing.

Sneak Peek

  • Pool Party: We have a lovely evening snacks, sips, and swimming event in the works. Stay tuned for more details!
  • Movie Night! Calling all film buffs to join us and watch a movie. Come for the movie, stay for the discussion and potluck style drinks + snacks. Launching monthly viewings starting September 2023 and ending with a grand finale Oscar Party in March 2024. Stay tuned for more information! Do you want to join the movie club organizing team? Email Jo & Rosa.
  • Save the Date: Our End of Summer Potluck Party will be held Saturday, September 23 (Rain date of the 24th).

Community Announcements

Lexington Farmers’ Market

  • The summer farmers’ market is back Tuesdays 2-6:30pm at The Worthen Road Practice Field. Learn more.

Lexington Education Foundation

  • It’s the most wonderful time of the year! The much loved and anticipated LEF Celebration for Education weekend is just around the corner, June 9th & 10th under the big tent on Hayden Lower Field!
    Start the weekend with our Lex Innovate! Free Family Fun event on June 9th, 4pm – 7pm with engineering activities, crafts, food, & special guests The LHS Robotics Club! No tickets are needed.
    Then continue the weekend with our biggest fundraising event of the year, our adult fundraiser Saturday, June 10th, 7pm – 11pm. We will have live music by crowd favorite Scatter Shot, dancing, delicious food, unique raffles, a mechanical bull & more! Get your tickets for the fundraiser and raffles online at
    Have specific questions about the weekend or are interested in being a sponsor? Please contact

William Diamond Junior Fife & Drum Corps

  • Open house for new members on Monday night June 5 at 7:00 PM outside on the Visitor Center lawn (1875 Mass Ave). This is a great opportunity for kids ages 8-18. More information:

May 2023 Newsletter

Hello Neighbors & Newcomers,

It was wonderful to enjoy a variety of activities with you in April, including not one but TWO art outings, a fabulous lunch, an engaging book club, and a blast of a bunco night. We have another exciting set of activities slated for May, so read on to find out more. Also keep an eye out for the book club section, which includes information about the much-awaited survey for next year’s book roster!

We also have some board positions opening up for next season, so please fill out our interest indicator to express interest and learn more! You can also always reach out via email if you’re interested in getting more involved. We have so much fun as a board and would love to have others join us.

Don’t forget to follow the Lexington Neighbors & Newcomers Members Facebook group and our Instagram to get the latest updates on our activities.

Best Wishes,
Tania Bojanowski, LNN President & Rachel Brownell, LNN Secretary

Walking Group

Wednesdays @ 9:30am

May 3: Meet at the CVS parking lot & walk along the bike path

May 10: Week off

May 17: Meet at the CVS parking lot & walk along the bike path

May 24: Park at Lexington Community Farm & walk around the Arlington Reservoir

May 31: Meet in the Horn Pond parking lot (the one with the boat launch) in Woburn

Call or text Kelly with any questions.

Ladies’ Night

Friday, May 5 @ 7pm

Ladies, let’s Fiesta! Join us Friday, May 5th at 7pm in celebrating Cinco de Mayo at The Painted Burro – Waltham. We have currently made a reservation for 14 women.

Sign up soon and no later than Wednesday 5/3 noon by email, so we can make adjustments in the # of seats as needed.

As always, it’s a cash-bar and we’ll order some light appetizers for sharing. Feel free to add a colorful touch to your outfit.

We’ll send out a confirmation email on Thursday 5/4 to all who have signed up. The LNN events team is looking forward to seeing many of you!

Bike Ride

Sunday, May 7

Join us on a scenic 30 km / 18.6 mile bike ride in our beautiful area of Concord and Lexington.

We take the paved Minuteman bike trail from Lexington center until the end at Depot Park, get into the woods and on gravel roads, passing the Great Meadow park. When reaching the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord and the Colonial Inn, we go back on the paved roads until we reach the Minuteman National park where we bike on the gravel roads of the Battle road trail. When meeting Mass Ave at the highway, we go back on the paved roads, ride by the golf course and get back on the Minuteman bike trail towards the Lexington center again. Tired, sweaty and victorious! We will adjust to meet all participants.

What you need:

  • A good sturdy bike with gears – mountain bike not needed, but great. Road racer with thin tires is not appropriate.
  • Bottle of water
  • Loose layers of clothes
  • Bike helmet
  • Sunglasses and (bike) gloves are practical accessories

Make sure to sign up with Rikke for further details, time and place to meet.

Lunch Bunch

Thursday, May 11 @ 12pm

Our next Lunch Bunch is on May 11th at noon at the Black Horse Tavern in Winchester.  Take a sneak peek at their menu:

We have reserved seating on the patio but will have the option to sit inside if the weather doesn’t cooperate. 

Please RSVP by May 10th to Carol.

Coffee Talk

Friday, May 12 @ 10am

Join us for coffee at Haute Coffee in Concord on Friday, May 12th. Enjoy house-made from scratch baked goods with your coffee, tea, or lemonade. Feel free to just drop in and even bring a friend. If you give Lydia a heads up that you’re joining, she will communicate any updates as necessary.

Bunco Night

Monday, May 15 @ 7pm

No prior experience necessary, always a fun time. Bring your lucky charm and hope the odds are in your favor. Email Lara to sign up for our May bunco night!

Book Club

Thursday, May 18 @ 7pm

Join us for a lively chat of May’s Book Club selection “All My Rage” by Sabaa Tahir on Thursday, May 18th.

Salahudin and Noor are more than best friends; they are family. Growing up as outcasts in the small desert town of Juniper, California, they understand each other the way no one else does. Until The Fight, which destroys their bond with the swift fury of a star exploding. 

Now, Sal scrambles to run the family motel as his mother Misbah’s health fails and his grieving father loses himself to alcoholism. Noor, meanwhile, walks a harrowing tightrope: working at her wrathful uncle’s liquor store while hiding the fact that she’s applying to college so she can escape him—and Juniper—forever.

When Sal’s attempts to save the motel spiral out of control, he and Noor must ask themselves what friendship is worth—and what it takes to defeat the monsters in their pasts and the ones in their midst. 

From one of today’s most cherished and bestselling young adult authors comes a breathtaking novel of young love, old regrets, and forgiveness—one that’s both tragic and poignant in its tender ferocity.

RSVP by May 17th to On the morning of May 18th, we will email the time of the meeting and the address of our host to all attendees. Please bring a drink of your choice and/or snacks to share.  


Important: We are in the process of determining the roster of books for next season’s Book Club. Take the survey here (Book Club Suggestions) to list up to 3 book suggestions by May 20th. All LNN members are welcome to participate! Based on your responses, we will create a comprehensive list and send out a voting survey to choose the books we will read for next season’s Book Club.

Sneak Peek at June

Save the date for some June events!

Dates are subject to change based on scheduling challenges, but we want to do our best to provide some heads up regarding upcoming events.

  • June 8: Book Club (“The Paris Apartment” by Lucy Foley)
  • June 9: Lunch Bunch

Community Announcements

Lexington Farmers’ Market

  • The summer farmers’ market returns May 30th 2-6:30pm at The Worthen Road Practice Field. Learn more.

Lexington Education Foundation

  • Lexington Education Foundation will host their annual Celebration for Education weekend on June 9 & 10. Friday will be a free, family-friendly event featuring the Lexington High School Robotics Club. Saturday will be an adults only themed party.

    Please follow LEF on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram for more details or visit Please contact Nicole if you are interested in learning more about sponsorship or volunteer opportunities.